Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Life is a Journey

I got to know about Plagiarism. I think that I've done any of it till now. And I don't plan to. I may have tired to but don't tell anyone. Ok! by the way this blog is suppose to be full of truth and emotions. But with the touch of Irony this blog is supposed to hidden from that eye ( People around the world who doesn't know how to use CTRL+A = Select all button ) .

A Journey
Not well spent till now. Changes, improvements logic and everything needs to take shape. I can't say and the world can't either say in what direction it's going. I don't know exactly what war on terror means. It only means that we humans despite all the technological advances are distancing ourselves from the people who are poor.

Look at Africa - Though, industries, development projects and that is taking place around the world but the availablity and usage of weapons is also increasing. And because of it continous fighting. 

Life has been a journey ; in it has been unending mysteries.

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Blog whose existance is Questionable.

We tend to be masters of our own world. But as we come to know from the real world Nobody is. Whether it's Elvis Presley - Drug overdose or Mystries related to Curd Cobain. There would remain Mysteries and more Mysteries.

This blog will contain everything that is not seen. But seen from that eye that we tend to forget. The inner side. The side we can talk to in difficult times. The side that is pure. 

Take care.